Christian Education
We have education opportunities that span all ages, not only on Sunday mornings but throughout the week as well. Take a look at the various ways you can become involved in a group.
Summer Meals for Kids is in its seventh year of service to children in the James City County/Williamsburg school system who go hungry in the summer because they are recipients of meals at school when schools are in session. WPC is partnering with Williamsburg Baptist Church, Walnut Hills Baptist and Williamsburg Community Chapel to prepare lunches for 300 children this year.
Wednesdays, June 19 through August 21
8:30am - 10:30am
Meals on Wheels at The WISC
5700 Warhill Trail
Please sign up online by clicking below to help make sandwiches and assemble lunch bags. Eight volunteers are needed each week. If you prefer you can bake cookies that will be placed in the kids lunch bags. Lots of cookies are needed to feed 300 kids over 10 weeks. If you love to bake here is your chance!
Sign me up for meal prep or cookie baking
This is a great opportunity to serve those in need -and remember Jesus said when we help the least of these we are doing HIS will. It is also a great way to meet fellow Christians and to have fun as you work. Contact Roban Graham or Ruth Cobb with any questions.
Thanks for your service!
We have education opportunities that span all ages, not only on Sunday mornings but throughout the week as well. Take a look at the various ways you can become involved in a group.
Community is at the heartbeat of WPC, and tending to each other through flower delivery, handy-person support, and help with fellowship events are just a few ways you can become involved in the life of the church.
It takes a team to keep up with the church building and grounds. We need gardeners, seasonal decorators, and general church maintenance.
From vocal choirs to handbell choirs, there are a number of ways to become involved in our music ministry.
Money counters, policy support, and communications are just a few ways volunteers contribute to the inner workings of WPC.
We serve people at the local, regional, and international levels. Love to bake cookies, swing a hammer, or come with us to Guatemala to visit our sister churches? Come join us!
Would you like to be part of a ministry that gives people care and support when they need it most–while making a difference in your own life? The Stephen Ministry may be a great fit for you!