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Tutoring Outreach Program at Local Schools

May 12, 2023

Tutoring Outreach Mission
We saw a gratifying response to the March 12 Minute for Mission. Over 15 individuals indicated they wanted to be involved in the tutoring program. They were instructed to fill out the form for school district clearance. To date four are assigned to Matthew Whaley, two in Math and two in Literacy. Plans are being made to involve two to three more this semester.

Pupils are responding well to volunteer support. On a diagnostic reading/spelling assignment in mid-April, three of the four students from the original tutoring group scored 100%. Motivation is rarely an issue.

New Opportunities
There will be a summer school for ESL (English as a Second Language) students in the Williamsburg James City County School District beginning June 28 and ending July 27 at the James River Elementary School (JRES). The hours will be from 9AM to 12 PM. Students will be bussed to JRES. Tutoring Outreach Leader Linda Eaton met with Marie Nice, WJCC English as a Second Language Specialist, Wednesday, April 19. Ms. Nice is very interested in having volunteers assist with the summer session. So far, four volunteers are interested in working the summer four-week program. Any other volunteers are welcome–please let Linda Eaton know. We will meet with Marie Nice the first or second week of June for details.

2023-2024 School Year
Staff reports to school on August 21, 2023. The following Monday, August 28, all students return. The Matthew Whaley ESL coordinator, Anya Bobrinskaya, states that during the first two months of the school year, there is no reading or math assistance in place for ESL pupils, because students need to be evaluated before they are placed. Anya relates that this two-month delay is very detrimental to progress. The need will be there – we want to be ready to begin tutoring immediately after Labor Day.

Room for More!
If YOU want to begin tutoring in July or next September, please fill out the tutoring interest form below.

I am interested in Tutoring!

Linda Eaton

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